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  • 작성자 사진통합한국관 운영사무국

바이온에버 (BIONEVER)

최종 수정일: 2023년 11월 27일

- 부스번호 (Booth number) : BTH# 63600_09

- 제품 (Product) : All-in-one SECC based Charger and Smart EMS

- 카테고리 (Category) : Energy/Power

- 제품설명 (Product Description) : All-in-one SECC' supports various functions such as IEC 61851 (Basic Signaling), ISO15118 (High-Level Communication), PnC secure payment in a single package. And Smart CEMS, intelligent charging energy management system based on dynamic load management technology can quickly respond to power overload due to increased power demand when building a large-scale electric vehicle charging infrastructure.

조회수 32회댓글 0개

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