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  • 작성자 사진통합한국관 운영사무국

(주)메이아이 (mAy-I Inc.)

최종 수정일: 2023년 11월 28일

- 부스번호 (Booth number) : BTH# 63600_04

- 제품 (Product) : mAsh

- 카테고리 (Category) : Artificial Intelligence

- 제품설명 (Product Description) : mAsh is the most innovative CCTV based visitor data analytics solution that offers a pioneering approach to achieve 360 degrees understanding of visitor’s journey. mAsh analyze demographic data which segment customers to enhance their engagement level. mAsh is an off-line analytics tool that quantitatively monitors visitors through intuitively built data and helps to improve detailed measurement of business performance. AI technology analyzes visitors’ image for a store manager to stay one step ahead for the effective marketing and sales strategies. Our cutting-edge software is based on intelligent algorithms and machine learning, takes data from our CCTV to create business insights.

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